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dc.contributor.authorKalnoy, Igor I.-
dc.identifier.citationKalnoy I. I. Search for an appropriate response to the historical challenge of Russia. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 2018, vol. 34, issue 2, pp. 277–287.en_GB
dc.description.abstractNew European civilization, including Russia, is experiencing the third transition period after Hellenism and Renaissance. The old scale of values does not work, and the new one is still emerging. The situation is exacerbated by total globalization and the search for new world order. The hallmark of the historic challenge is the uncertainty of the nearest days and psychological tension. Both society and people suffer. Goals and objectives of the study. Through a comparative analysis of the past and the present, the author examines the causes of the crisis and states that in Russia this crisis is burdened by the legacy of the past, the specifics of development with a reference from the power of authority to authority of power. This trajectory could not stand the test of strength in February 1917. In 2017, Russia celebrates its centennial. The upcoming event demonstrates the reality of the historic challenge, which awaits a worthy response. The essence of the research task is: • Finding a sound idea that can provide a capable worldview of people; • determining the subject of the search for a response to a historical challenge, who is capable of this mission, whose prerogative and vocation it is, what is the mechanism for implementing this idea; • Investigating the potential of the intelligentsia as the optimal subject of the participative consciousness predisposed to analyze the next historical challenge and readiness not only to seek the Idea to answer this challenge but also to participate in its implementation. Research methods: system approach, principles of interrelation, interaction and interdependence, comparative analysis of past and present. The results of the research: the domestic intelligentsia has the opportunity to declare itself in the status of an ideological component of the subjective factor of social development, on which the country's perspective depends.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies;Volume 34; Issue 2-
dc.subjecta historical challengeen_GB
dc.subjectthe idea of responseen_GB
dc.subjectobjective conditionsen_GB
dc.subjectsubjective factoren_GB
dc.titleSearch for an appropriate response to the historical challenge of Russiaen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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