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dc.contributor.advisorФилиппова Инга Игоревнаru_RU
dc.contributor.authorЦеликов Дмитрий Андреевичru_RU
dc.contributor.authorTselikov Dmitriien_GB
dc.contributor.editorЗагоскин Александр Анатольевичru_RU
dc.contributor.editorZagoskin Aleksandr Аnаtolevichen_GB
dc.description.abstractТема моей выпускной квалификационной работы - "Заповедник", по одноименной повести Сергея Довлатова. Дипломная работа представляет из себя проект художника-постановщика для экранизации данного произведения. Мой проект состоит из нескольких частей: 1. Чистовые кино-эскизы 2. Экспликация 3. Раскадровка 4. Теоретическая часть, включающая в себя пояснительную записку, чертежи, смету и планировку декораций. Цель дипломной работы: найти точное и интересное изобразительное воплощение для выбранного произведения, создать серию эскизов в единой стилистической манере, передающих дух времени и отражающих манеру и стиль писателя.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractMy diploma work is based on the novel by S.Dovlatov «Pushkin Hills». Dovlatov is one of the most popular Russian writers of the late 20th century in the world. In 1973-1974 Dovlatov worked as a summer tour guide in the Pushkin preserve, a museum near the city of Pskov. The novel «Pushkin Hills» narrates about this period of authors life. My diploma work is a project of an art director for Screen adaptation of this novel. It containes illustrations, explications, layout of the scenery, and the storyboard. The main goal of my dipoma work is to re-create the atmosphere of outback soviet city in the 1980’s and to come up with holistic visual solution of the movie project. Visual solution of my diploma work based on the soviet postcards of that period. They have balanced frontal composition and extraordinary color balance - amplified hue saturation. I used the same methods to make my pictures compelling, but unrealistic and wierd. In my opinion, such solution is the best way to reflect the strong conflict between the authors inner world and his surrounding area. This conflict is the key subject of Dovlatov’s literary work. Also Dovlatov gives much attention to the humor. Absurd stories and satiric characters is the basis of his novels. I make much effort to transfer that basis into my pictures. In explications I depicted the main scenes of the novel: leaving St.Petersburg, road to the sanctuary, meeting with new place and people, staying in the village at home of the local woodsman, excursions, the culmination moment of the novel – meeting with wife, binge at local bars and drunk adventures, visiting police department, way home, and staying there, preparing to emigration. My diploma work is directed to re-create the authentic atmosphere of the 1980’s, to show the strong confusion of the author’s soul, on the background of the complicating period in the history of our country, especially for the intellectuals.en_GB
dc.titleSergei Dovlatov "Pushkin Hills"en_GB
dc.title.alternativeСергей Довлатов «Заповедник»ru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:MAIN FIELD OF STUDY

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