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dc.contributor.authorAbdullayeva, Emiliya-
dc.identifier.citationAbdullayeva, Emiliya. 2018. “The problem of retirement age in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law 1: 112–120.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to observe the problem of retirement age in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan, a comparative analysis of the theoretical constructions, normative acts enforcement materials in the practice of these states. In this article general scientific methods such as a historical, dialectical and a formal-logical method of analysis and synthesis have been used as well as the main special method of research as the comparative law method. The author notes that one of the main reasons for pension reforms is the process of demographic ageing of populations around the world, which creates a number of problems. The conclusion is that raising retirement age is an inefficient instrument for resolving the problem of the shortfall in the pension system, both for the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation. This article there has noted the problems that can occur while establishing a peremptory norm such as increasing the retirement age. Solutions to the problem of retirement age for the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan are presented. In particular, it is proposed to define the criteria for establishing the boundaries of retirement age together with researchers in areas of science such as demography, sociology, economics, mathematics, and medicine. Bearing in mind these criteria, a mathematical formula for the borders of retirement age should be proposed at the legislative level.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Law;Volume 9; Issue 1-
dc.subjectretirement ageen_GB
dc.subjectthe old-age pension insurance in the Russian Federationen_GB
dc.subjectthe labor retirement pension in Azerbaijan Republicen_GB
dc.subjectageing populationsen_GB
dc.subjectpension reformen_GB
dc.titleThe problem of retirement age in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijanen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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