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dc.contributor.authorShirokova, Galina V.-
dc.contributor.authorIvvonen, Liudmila-
dc.contributor.authorGafforova, Elena-
dc.description.abstractThis study examines how components of strategic entrepreneurship relate to Russian small and medium-sized firms performance during the economic crisis and to what extent combinations of firm resources determine these relationships. In order to address these issues we surveyed 651 Russian private SMEs. Our results show that during the economic crisis exploitation is positively associated with firm performance. However, we found positive association of exploration with firm performance during the economic crisis instead of negative association. Our results also indicate that relationship between exploration as well as exploitation and firm performance is dependent on different combinations of firm resources.en_GB
dc.publisherSt. Petersburg University Graduate School of Managementen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesGSOM Emerging Markets Conference 2016;pp. 351-353-
dc.subjectstrategic entrepreneurshipen_GB
dc.subjectexploration, exploitationen_GB
dc.subjectfirm performanceen_GB
dc.subjecteconomic crisisen_GB
dc.subjecthuman capitalen_GB
dc.subjectfinancial capitalen_GB
dc.subjectsocial capitalen_GB
dc.titleThe Role of Strategic Entrepreneurship in Performance of Russian SMEs during the Economic Crisisen_GB
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