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dc.contributor.authorArzhakova, Larisa M.-
dc.description.abstractThe study of the history of University education in Russia is one of the most important and actively developing direction in modern Russian historiography. Special importance in the context of this kind of research have the works of L. P. Lapteva (2005 and 2012), dedicated to the history of Slavonic studies in Russia in the 19th – the first third of the 20th century. The specific of the Slavic specialization in the University educational process and the history of Slavonic studies in Russia analyzed by researcher in detail. However, a number of issues that are of direct relevance to the teaching and research activities of the St. Petersburg Slavic scholars, requires more detailed study. The important fact to note is that the state of historiography and archival collections testifies to the insufficiency of elaboration of the creative heritage of Slavic scholars such as P. I. Preuss or V. I. Lamansky. Besides that still out of sight of historians are, for example, the printed works of N. I. Kareev, devoted to Polish history, which can not be analyzed outside the context of Russian-Polish scientific contacts. When setting problems in the study of the history of the St. Petersburg Slavic studies separately should be said about the necessity for special study of works created by members of the interdepartmental Slavic sector, which successfully operated on the historical faculty of Leningrad University since the late 1950s. Among other things, the priority tasks of modern Slavic studies, including the history of Slavonic studies, should include the revision / rethinking of some key concepts that the Slavist and historian of Slavonic studies currently operate, without which there is hardly possible a more adequate understanding of past and present Slavonic studies.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesStudia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana;Issue 2(22)-
dc.subjecthistory of University educationen_GB
dc.subjectSlavonic studies in Russiaen_GB
dc.subjectSlavic scholars of St. Petersburg University in the 19th – the first third of the 20th centuryen_GB
dc.subjectP. I. Preussen_GB
dc.subjectV. I. Lamanskyen_GB
dc.subjectN. I. Kareeven_GB
dc.titleUniversity Slavic studies in St. Petersburgen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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