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Результаты 1-10 из 105.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2012On Classification of Russian Journals in EconomicsMuravyev, Alexander A.
2012An Experiment on Decision Making under Risk and UncertaintyArchavski, Victor Yu.; Okulov, Vitaly L.
2012Human potential as a factor of developing national competitiveness of Brazil, Russia, India and ChinaZavyalova, Elena K.; Kosheleva, Sofia V.
2010The origin of scientific management systems in RussiaSemenov, Andrey A.
2012Quality of Secondary Education in Russia: Between Soviet Legacy and Challenges of Global CompetitivenessBaranov, Igor N.
2011General Theory of Sales in the Context of "Development-Growth" DichotomyBarkan, David J.
2012Leadership in the knowledge ageZamulin, Andrej L.
2011Strong equilibria in game theory models and applicationsZyatchin, Andrey V.
2010Competition in health careBaranov, Igor N.
2012Brand equity in modern marketing theoryMuravskii, D. V.; Smirnova, Maria M.; Alkanova, O. N.