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Результаты 21-30 из 98.
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2015Customer Involvement in Lean Startup Principles: Case Game Development StudioGregurek, Viktor; Грегурек, В.
2015Incentive plans improvement in movie value chain: USA motion picture industryZaytseva, Ekaterina I.; Зайцева, Е. И.
2015Earnings management in companies seeking to be acquired and its effect on chances of subsequent acquisitionNikolaeva, Iuliia V.; Николаева, Ю. В.
2015Identification of a sales forecasting techniqueShapovalova, Viktoriia V.; Шаповалова, В. В.
2015Expatriate managers adaptation in Russian FederationKuznetsova, Natalia A.; Кузнецова, Н. А.
2015Influence of the Government as a Major Stakeholder on the Company’s PerformanceKorobov, Pavel B.; Коробов, П. Б.
2015Relationship between sources of corporate debt and stock returns during the financial crisis of 2008: evidence from Russian companies with foreign ownershipLepekhina, Kristina А.; Лепехина, К. А.
2015The impact of multiple strategic orientations on business performance of cloud software companies: evidence from small SaaS firmsMalyshev, Pavel V.; Малышев, П. В.
2015Developing metrics for “Internet of Things” implementation assessment by enterprisesZinchenko, Polina E.; Зинченко, П. Е.
2015Real options as a tool for risk management in arctic shelf oil and gas projects: Rosneft caseReztsov, Vladimir Y.; Резцов, В. Ю.