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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 104
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Dynamic Nash Bargaining Solution for Two-stage Network GamesJunnan, Jie
2018On the Characteristi Function Construction Technique in Differential Games with Prescribed and Random DurationGromova, Ekaterina V.; Marova, Ekaterina V.
2018Constructive and Blocking Power in Marine LogisticsElnova, Maria; Smirnova, Nadezhda
2018On Competition in the Telecommunications MarketAgeev, Petr; Pankratova, Yaroslavna; Tarashnina, Svetlana
201710 Years Game Theory and Management (GTM)Bulgakova, Maria
2017Strategic Alliances Stability FactorsZenkevich, Nikolay; Reusova, Anastasiia
2017Coordination in Multilevel Supply ChainZenkevich, Ekaterina N.; Lonyagina, Yulia E.; Fattakhova, Maria V.
2017Constructive and Blocking Powers in Some ApplicationsTarashnina, Svetlana; Smirnova, Nadezhda
2017On a Dynamic Traveling Salesman ProblemTarashnina, Svetlana; Pankratova, Yaroslavna; Purtyan, Aleksandra
2017Design and Simulation of Coopetition as Lead Generating MechanismShlegel, Maxim; Zenkevich, Nikolay
2017Types of Equilibrium Points in Antagonistic Games with Ordered OutcomesRozen, Victor V.
2017Cooperation in Bioresource Management ProblemsRettieva, Anna N.
2017Social Welfare under Oligopoly: Does the Strengthening of Competition in Production Increase Consumers’ Well-Being?Parenti, Mathieu; Sidorov, Alexander V.; Thisse, Jacques-Francois
2017Blotto Games with Costly WinningsNowik, Irit; Nowik, Tahl
2017Stationary Nash Equilibria for Two-Player Average Stochastic Games with Finite State and Action SpacesLozovanu, Dmitrii; Pickl, Stefan
2017Game-theoretic approach for modeling of selfish and group routingKrylatov, Alexander Yu.; Zakharov, Victor V.
2017Application of Game Theory in the Analysis of Economic and Political Interaction at the International LevelKonyukhovskiy, Pavel V.; Holodkova, Victoria V.
2017A Search Game with Incomplete Information on Detective Capability of SearcherHohzaki, Ryusuke
2017Modelling of Information Spreading in the Population of Taxpayers: Evolutionary ApproachKumacheva, Suriya Sh.; Gubar, Elena A.; Zhitkova, Ekaterina M.; Kurnosykh, Zlata; Skovorodina, Tatiana
2017On the Conditions on the Integral Payoff Function in the Games with Random DurationGromova, Ekaterina V.; Malakhova, Anastasiya P.; Tur, Anna V.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 104