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Результаты 1-10 из 130.
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2011Parallel entrepreneurship strategy: The case study of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor projectBalobanova, Maria; Балобанова, М.
2011Financial constraints, corporate investment and firm survival: Importance of the business cycleSaburov, Dmitry; Сабуров, Д.
2011Private benefits of control and financial leverage: Evidence from Russia and Northern EuropeRubashkina, Anastasia; Рубашкина, А.
2011The partnering process in cross-border outsourcing: Decision-making of small technology oriented enterprises in FinlandTuunanen, Joona P.
2011Factors of relationship quality for companies on foreign B2B markets: The case study of Finnish companies in the Russian marketRassalov, Ilya; Рассалов, И.
2011Supplier relationship management on the Russian IT market: A hardware distributor’s prospectsZibarev, Igor
2011The effects of cross-border acquisitions by Russian companies on their profitability: The comparative analysis of various casesKarnaukhova, Anna; Карнаухова, А.
2011The evaluation of services quality provided by mobile operators under competition: The case study of Russian and Portuguese companiesSorokina, Anna; Сорокина, А.
2011Towards adoption of e-learning technologies at Lappeenranta University of Technology: The factors influencing teachers’ understanding of the Blackboard learning systemKatunzi, Derrick M.; Катунци, Д. М.
2011The influence of strategic entrepreneurship on the firm performanceSokolova, Liubov S.