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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2016In memoriam of Alexandr Sergeevich Gerd (1936–2016)-
Sep-2016New Works on Chekhov in EnglishStepanov, Andrei D.
Sep-2016The 12th International Congress of Balticists, October 28–31 2015, Vilnius, LithuaniaKazanskiene, Vanda P.
Sep-2016The 1st International Scientific Conference “Russian Literature in Translations INTO Foreign Languages. The Russian Literary Canon: The Center and the Periphery”, Kraków, Poland, October 22–23 2015Guskov, Nikolai A.
Sep-2016400 years of Latin literature in Ukraine (A review on the book: Trofymuk M. S. Latin Literature of Ukraine in the15-19th centuries: Genres, motifs and ideas. — Lviv: Lviv National University named after I. Franko, 2014. 380 p.)Buharkin, Pjotr E.; Strechen’, Lidija L.
Sep-2016Russian Literature in the Regions of the German Language: 250 Years Together (A review on the book: Jürgen Lehmann: Russische Literatur in Deutschland. Ihre Rezeption durch deutschsprachige Schriftsteller und Kritiker vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Stuttgart: Verlag J. B. Metzler, 2015. 417 S.)Belobratow, Alexander V.
Sep-2016The Diegetic Narrator in the Documentary-PortraitPronin, Alexander А.
Sep-2016Dominants of Audiovisual Text in the Aspect of TV Discourses ResearchBerezhnaia, Marina A.
Sep-2016Pseudoantithesis in Short Story Ionych by A. ChekhovStepanova, Alla S.
Sep-2016«Petty press» of 1880s as Paraliterature: Commonplace, Repetition, Self-RepetitionOvcharskaia, Olga V.
Sep-2016The body of war in Vladimir Makanin’s novel AsanMeyer-Fraatz, Andrea
Sep-2016Analysis of the Motives in “The Visit to the Museum” by V. NabokovGrigorieva, Elena N.
Sep-2016Andrei Ivanov and Henry Miller: Comparative AnalysisAstvatsaturov, Andrey А.
Sep-2016The Conception of “Dolg” in I. S. Turgenev’s Novel “Home of the Gentry” and the Ethical Ideas in the Mid-19th CenturyMovnina, Natalia S.
Sep-2016«…thereof one must be silent» (Nabokov’s «Ultima Thule» and the Philosophy of Silence)Liapushkina, Ekaterina I.
Sep-2016Communication Crisis in the Kolyma Tales by V. Shalamov: On Narrating the TranscendentBolshev, Aleksandr O.
Sep-2016Revising the Characteristics of the Non-Classical Prose: F. V. Bulgarin and V. A. OdoevskySergeeva, Nadezhda A.
Sep-2016Shklovsky vs. Jakobson: A War of LanguagesKalinin, Ilya A.
Sep-2016Lyrical Subject in the Poetry of A. P. SumarokovGuskov, Nikolai A.
Sep-2016“A ja, mal’chik, nachuzhbinepozabytotl’udej”: Self-nominations in Non-Ritual SongsSemenova, Antonina S.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24