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dc.contributor.authorZhelezniakova, Elena A.-
dc.identifier.citationZhelezniakova, E. A. (2024). Paremias in Classes of Russian as a Second Language through the Prism of the Uzbek Language. The World of Russian Word, (3), 81–90. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu30.2023.310en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to teaching Russian as a non-native language at school using the material of Russian and Uzbek paremias that represent the image of a child.The comparison of phraseological units in second language classes contributes to the formation of a bilingual linguistic personality, which is the most important task of teaching Russian to foreign-speaking schoolchildren. The purpose of the article is to determine the directions of work with paremias in the children’s audience in a comparative aspect. The research material was Russian and Uzbek paremias representing the image of a child. Using the method of comparative-contrastive analysis, similarities and differences of phraseological units were determined based on the main thematic groups of paremias. By means of theoretical modeling, the ways of including paremias in teaching process and the recommended sequence of work with phraseological units in linguocultural classes in Russian as a second language were determined. The conducted research allowed to conclude that the main cognitive features of Russian and Uzbek paremias are significantly similar in the presence of certain differences. The distinctive features of Uzbek paremias include the reflection of a more tolerant attitude towards the shortcomings of the child, the idea of differences in the upbringing of a daughter and a son, the explication of the image of an ungrateful child. In Russian paremias, unlike Uzbek ones, the complexity of the upbringing process and the need for strict methods of influence are reflected, the individuality of the child is allowed at the same time as the recognition of frequent similarity with the parent. The paremias can become illustrative material in teaching Russian as second language when mastering various aspects of the language or the subject of study in special linguoculturological classes in middle and high school. Russian and Uzbek paremias identified similarities and differences allowed to offer examples of tasks for different stages of classes aimed at mastering the paremiological fund of the Russian language. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that it methodically interprets language material that has not previously been the object of consideration in a comparative aspect.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe publication was prepared as part of the project “Optimization of teaching Russian as a non-native language to migrant children of primary school age”, supported in a competition for promising fundamental research work by young scientists from the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe World of Russian Word;Issue 3-
dc.subjectRussian as a second languageen_GB
dc.subjectrepresentation of a childen_GB
dc.subjectethnocognitive approach to teachingen_GB
dc.titleParemias in Classes of Russian as a Second Language through the Prism of the Uzbek Languageen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 3

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