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dc.contributor.authorTayupova, Olga I.-
dc.identifier.citationTayupova O. I. Semantic-pragmatic category of politeness in the discourse practice of interview media texts. German Philology in St. Petersburg State University, 2023, iss. 13, pp. 428–443. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu33.2023.124 (In Russian)en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the study of the semantic-pragmatic specifics and the role of the category of politeness in the German printed media discourse. The relevance of this work is due to the lack of knowledge of the language means of representing the category of politeness of the speech behavior of communicants, which in their totality contribute to increasing the effectiveness of interpersonal media communication and preventing not only conflict, but also awkward situations in relation to dialogic media texts in the perspective of their discursive practice. Also, the significance of this study is due to the appeal to the study of politeness in the dialogical texts of magazine interviews that are actively published in the media, which contribute to the rapid and successful transmission of timely information, improve communication efficiency and achieve the desired pragmatic impact on addressees. Special attention is paid to culturally specific parameters, which are based on the cultural values of Germany and its national and cultural characteristics, in particular, the attitude towards communication. Сommunicants, and above all, journalists, choose the appropriate and, if possible, the most appropriate language means in a particular situation of speech communication. Undoubted markers of positive politeness in the discursive practice of media texts of German interviews are a polite address to the interviewee (Herr, Frau), polite third person pronoun Sie, conjunctive, modal particles (mal, nur, fast, vielleicht, gern), verb danken, combination besten (vielen) Dank, nouns Verzeihung, Entschuldigung.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesGerman Philology in St Petersburg State University;Volume 13-
dc.subjectpoliteness categoryen_GB
dc.subjectthe norm of the texten_GB
dc.subjectverbal markers of politenessen_GB
dc.subjectGerman media interviewsen_GB
dc.titleSemantic-pragmatic category of politeness in the discourse practice of interview media textsen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Volume 13

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