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dc.contributor.authorUrazayeva, Kuralay B.-
dc.contributor.authorAzkenova, Zhanargul K.-
dc.identifier.citationUrazayeva K. B., Azkenova Zh. K. Manipulation as a rhetorical argument in Chekhov’s poetics. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature. 2021, 18 (2): 298–312.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article presents the experience of a discursive-oriented approach in the study of works of fiction and is devoted to the study of manipulation as a rhetorical argument. Summarizing the results of studying literature from the perspective of communicative strategies required describing the text as a communicative strategy in its connection with discourse. The analysis of manipulation is carried out by means of solving problems: classification of external and internal factors of effective communication, comparison of argumentative strategies of literary characters with argumentative results, and the establishment of factors of genre transformation. The interpretation of external factors of influence as a result of the disparity of communicative settings of heroes, and internal factors of communication as manipulation of heroes is conducted in the article. The analysis of the author’s point of view from the positions of metasense and meta-observer allowed the authors of the article to establish a connection between the genre and the methods of perlocative influence and the organization of the text as a pervasive program. The differences in the methods of perlocative influence in the story are explained by allusive illustrative discursivity. The analysis of the comic modality of the work showed a discrepancy between argumentative strategies and argumentative results, which revealed the role of manipulation in the genre transformation based on the synthesis of vaudeville, farce, and social сomedy. The establishment of factors of genre transformation in Chekhov’s poetics became possible on the basis of the analysis of Chekhov’s humor from the positions of metasense and semantic gaps.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe article was written within the framework of the project of “Formation of a profession multilingual personality of the type in the conditions of multilingual education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (supervisor D-r. of Philology prof. Sh. K. Zharkynbekova) under contract no. 132, March 12, 2018.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Language and Literature;Volume 18; Issue 2-
dc.subjectrhetorical argumenten_GB
dc.subjectA Problemen_GB
dc.subjectA Marriage Proposalen_GB
dc.titleManipulation as a rhetorical argument in Chekhov’s poeticsen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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