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Результаты 31-40 из 40.
Найденные коллекции:
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Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2021The evolution of terms in Russian journalism: From vedomosti to mediaSuprun, Vasilii I.
дек-2021“Pseudo-values” in modern Russian media discourse: The experience of logical analysis of implicit evaluativeness in the language of print mediaRadbil’, Timur B.
дек-2021Interpretation of the implicit modality: Semiotic markers of the speech intentions in the texts of online communicationMishlanov, Valerii A.; Krizhanovskaya, Elena M.; Kuznetsova, Yulia M.
дек-2021Mediatization of medical discourse: Modes, attributes and risksKozharnovich, Maryna P.
дек-2021On the pragmatic aspects of the use of relative adjectives (based on newspaper texts)Norman, Boris Iu.
дек-2021The style of the Serbian media (2010–2020) — the language of the crisisStanojević, Dobrivoje Ž.; Mirkov, Lidija Ž.