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Результаты 1-10 из 43.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Attitude of students of St.Petersburg and Guangzhou to Russian-Chinese cooperation policyСе И; Xie Yi
2018The teenagers' first impression of a person from a photo in Internet communicationsБолдырева Полина Владимировна; Boldyreva Polina
2018Stress of everyday life and coping strategies in families with children suffering from Type 1 Diabetes mellitusКраско Анастасия Сергеевна; Krasko Anastasia
2018Coping with stress by drivers after road accidentsЧервонцева Виктория Игоревна; Chervontseva Victoria
2018Characteristics of eating behaviour and subjective assessment of stressful situations in womenМосковских Валерия Павловна; Moskovskikh Valeriia
2018Deployment of situational judgment tests for assessment of shop-assistants' competenceЭлифханов Султан Рамизович; Elifkhanov Sultan
2018The relation of a stable emotional state and psychological wellbeing in the period of early adulthoodМясникова Диана Игоревна; Miasnikova Diana
2018Features of self-presentation by consulting psychologists in the InternetЧеремисова Анна Олеговна; Cheremisova Anna
2018Social concepts of people with various sexual orientationКоробенков Дмитрий Константинович; Korobenkov Dmitrii
2018Involvement of customers as a motivational factor of the buying process: A case study of domestic cosmeticsЛогинова Светлана Максимовна; Loginova Svetlana