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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Maryanenko_E_A__rec_2.jpg.jpg2017Coping strategies and risk factors of somatie maladjustment in employees of non- departmental securrityМарьяненко Елизавета Александровна; Marianenko Elizaveta
2017Identity and traumatic situations among police officersПокатович Дарья Игоревна; Pokatovich Daria
2017Motivational and value factors of staff adaptationШарабурак Ксения Владимировна; Sharaburak Ksenia
2016Social and psychological characteristics of women participants of antifeminist Internet communitiesСвирихина Дарья Андреевна; Svirikhina Daria
2016Interconnection of risky behaviour and psychological defense mechanisms of studentsЛяхова Анастасия Валерьевна; Liahova Anastasiia
2016Psychological adaptation of preschool children in connection to the upbrining styles in familyУдовыдченкова Ангелина Александровна; Udovydchenkova Angelina
2018Comparative analysis of students' adaptation characteristics when studying in other cities or abroadПужливая Полина Евгеньевна; Puzhlivaia Polina
2018Clinical and psychological characteristics of gifted adolescentsМорозова Анастасия Евгеньевна; Morozova Anastasiia
2018Dynamics of mental condition in naval academy cadets in the process of adaptationТурбина Кристина Владимировна; Turbina Kristina
2017Emotional intelligence as a factor of adaptation of first-year master's studentsЛомакина Дарья Ивановна; Lomakina Daria