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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018National issue in the theoretical legacy of the Russian conservatives: The second half of the 19th - early 20th centuriesГуркин Александр Андреевич; Gurkin Aleksandr
2018"Cultural diplomacy" of French foreing policy in the countries of North and West AfricaОвсянникова Евгения Витальевна; Ovsiannikova Evgeniia
2018The effectiveness of anti-ccorruption in the structure of administration reform in contemporary RussiaГолованова Екатерина Юрьевна; Golovanova Ekaterina
2018Formation of the image of Russia's political elite in Russian-language non-state Internet mediaВоронцова Маргарита Дмитриевна; Vorontsova Margarita
2018Features of modern Russia's foreign energy policyГусева Александра Николаевна; Guseva Aleksandra
2018Left-wing radicalism in the political culture of modern RussiaРебров Сергей Александрович; Rebrov Sergey
2018Self-regulating organizations as arenas for public interaction between business and state: Case of construction industry in Saint-PetersburgБуранов Максим Михайлович; Buranov Maksim
2018Current problems of the Russian Federation national policyВоронков Дмитрий Сергеевич; Voronkov Dmitrii
2018Formation of public values in the system of intersectoral partnership among the government, private-sector and non-governmental organizations (on the example of the entrepreneurs' union "Business Russia")Сингаевский Владислав Николаевич; Singaevskiy Vladislav
2018Legal aspects of governmental regulation of the Internet as a factor providing cybersecurity of the Russian FederationМакаров Илья Николаевич; Makarov Ilia