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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 61 по 80 из 99
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017A study of cloud liquid water in St.Petersburg region by the microwave methodБирюков Егор Юрьевич; Biriukov Egor
2017Characteristics of methane concentrations variability near St.PetersburgАрабаджян Дина Кареновна; Arabadzhian Dina
2017Interaction of proteins H1 and HMGB1 in solutionСозонова Александра Александровна; Sozonova Aleksandra
2017Propagation of ultrasound waves during dynamic processes in disperse systemsМуратова Жанна Дмитриевна; Muratova Zhanna
2017Measurement of anode temperature after extinction of a high current vacuum arcЯковлев Виталий Викторович; Iakovlev Vitalii
2017Development of a constructor for electric circuit models for the Android platformФайзулин Евгений Эдуардович; Faizulin Evgenii
2017A study of the electronic structure of CaNb2O6 crystal clusters by the embedding potential methodФедорова Василиса Александровна; Fedorova Vasilisa
2017A study of the electronic structure of nickel porphyrin NiP by X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopyСвирский Глеб Ильич; Svirskiy Gleb
2017A study of streamer-leader processes in the air in the presence of barrier insulationСкляренко Роман Вадимович; Skliarenko Roman
2017Evaluation of seismic wave velocity by the genetic algorithmСултангалеев Руслан Робертович; Sultangaleev Ruslan
2017Impact assessment of hygroscopic properties of background and anthropogenic aerosols on radiative forcingСеменова Ксения Александровна; Semenova Kseniia
2017Local electronic structure and hierarchical organization of bone tissueСамойленко Дмитрий Олегович; Samoilenko Dmitrii
2017The structure and electrophysical properties of nanocrystalline AlN layers grown on silicon by reactive magnetron sputteringПилипенко Нелли Витальевна; Pilipenko Nelli
2017Stability and dynamics of magnetic skyrmionsПоткина Мария Николаевна; Potkina Mariia
2017FTIR study of SF6 adsorption in the pores of zeolitesПесцов Олег Сергеевич; Pestsov Oleg
reviewSV_Osolodkov_jpg2.jpg.jpg2017DNA interaction with silver compounds and metallisation of formed structuresОсолодков Михаил Ильич; Osolodkov Mikhail
2017Dependence of the ray seismic tomography problem solution on initial approximationМедведев Сергей Владимирович; Medvedev Sergei
reviewSV_LebedevaAV_rukovoditel_NemnyuginSA02.jpg.jpg2017Implementation of methods for constructing three-dimensional models of the human body and their application for solving radiation therapy problemsЖуркина Анна Валерьевна; Lebedeva Anna
2017Cross-compilation of components of BARSIC virtual laboratories models to Android modelsКузьмин Николай Витальевич; Kuzmin Nikolai
2017Application of diffracted waves for imaging thin layers in the presence of faultsТитова Анна Викторовна; Titova Anna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 61 по 80 из 99