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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 130
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Spatial distribution of potential carbon-containing aerosol sources in central SiberiaМихайлова Анастасия Сергеевна; Mihajlova Anastasia Sergeevna
2023Multi-spacecraft methods to investigate transient structures in space plasmaБрыжахина Диана Дмитриевна; Bryzahina Diana Dmitrievna
2023Calorimetry based on pixel detectors for proton tomographyЕрыгин Илья Игоревич; Erygin Ila Igorevic
2023Quantum teleportation protocol in continuous variables and its modificationsНурегеева Амина Эриковна; Nuregeeva Amina Erikovna
2023Gold nanoparticles and their conjugates with functional DNAsНасретдинов Руслан Радикович; Nasretdinov Ruslan Radikovic
2023Analytical investigation and simulation of electromagnetic field of a current cylinder in a vacuum channel inside dielectricГригорьев Степан Геннадьевич; Grigorev Stepan Gennadevic
2023Radiation energy and interaction forces in a system of two charges moving in a medium with frequency dispersionЛеонов Владислав Андреевич; Leonov Vladislav Andreevic
2023Investigation of the electronic structure of ytterbium compounds by the method of coupled clustersХадеева Полина Андреевна; Hadeeva Polina Andreevna
2023Photophysical properties of some metal-DNA complexesРусских Алексей Алексеевич; Russkih Aleksej Alekseevic
2023Study of the relationship between electron concentration at maximum F2 ionosphere layer and total electron contentШапошников Роман Владимирович; Saposnikov Roman Vladimirovic
2023Nonlinear Compton scattering in strong electromagnetic fieldsКлочай Алексей Игоревич; Klocaj Aleksej Igorevic
2023Accounting for longitudinal correlations of medium fluctuations in the study of statistical moments of a propagating wave fieldАйсин Арман Мухамедянович; Ajsin Arman Muhamedanovic
2023Characteristics of dust particles in gas mixturesГасилов Макар Александрович; Gasilov Makar Aleksandrovic
2023Thermodynamic characteristics of heavy ion collisions at NICA collider energiesКоновалов Данил Александрович; Konovalov Danil Aleksandrovic
2023Generation of structured light in a polarizing interferometerМартынов Юрий Юрьевич; Martynov Urij Urevic
2023Experimental investigation of the map of electrocoalescence modes for the «drop-drop» caseИконников Артём Константинович; Ikonnikov Artem Konstantinovic
2023Dirac equation for a two-center potential in an external fieldДанилов Александр Андреевич; Danilov Aleksandr Andreevic
2019Physical conditions in the sources of bursts with the zebra-pattern in the frequency-time spectrum of emissionАнохин Алексей Сергеевич; Anohin Aleksej Sergeevic
2019The development of the iterative method for obtaining height-temperature profile over an active area on the SunМакоев Герман Аланович; Makoev German Alanovic
2018Delays of the satellite navigation systems signals in a troposphere with horizontal inhomogeneitiesЯрмак Валерий Юрьевич; Yarmak Valerii
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 130