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Результаты 251-260 из 312.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Everyday Life in the Soviet Union: Philosophical and Anthropological AnalysisХайбулина Айгуль Ахметовна; Khaibulina Aigul
2018The Flood Myth in Chinese, Indian and Biblical TraditionsОрлов Георгий Дмитриевич; Orlov Georgii
2018Interrelation of the Visual and the Narrative in CinematographyСергеева Дарья Антоновна; Sergeeva Daria
2018Secret Societies and Religious Sects in China's Political Culture During the Late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)Новиков Александр Сергеевич; Novikov Aleksandr
2018Aesthetization of Protest: A case Study of May Events, 1968, in FranceБольшешапова Маргарита Михайловна; Bolsheshapova Margarita
2018Structure of Symbolic Reality in Philosophy of Ernst CassirerЛьвова Ксения Александровна; Lvova Kseniia
2018Comparative Analysis of Methods of Presentation of China’s Historic and Artistic Heritage by the Examples of the State Hermitage and the State Museum of the History of ReligionНовикова Юлия Александровна; Novikova Iuliia
2018Symbolization of "Perpetration" and "Victim" in the National Memory of Modern GermanyЗавершинская Полина Константиновна; Zavershinskaia Polina
2018Ethical Codes of Legal ProfessionsПронин Андрей Сергеевич; Pronin Andrei
2018Ethnic Self-identification of Amazigh in Morocco and Algeria: Culturological AnalysisКлепикова Татьяна Алексеевна; Klepikova Tatiana