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Результаты 21-30 из 1606.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_IMG_3765.JPG.jpg2017The image of Scythians and Scythia in the Greek literature of the late antiquityЦветков Артём Алексеевич; Tsvetkov Artem
2017Colour symbolism in Russian and Chinese as illustrated by proverbs: The linguocultural aspectЛю Цзинь; Liu Jin
2017Formation of the English-language linguocognitive competence in students of engineering universities and colleges of KazakhstanШакирьянова Зульфия Маратовна; Shakiryanova Zulfiya
2017Meta-communication in Russian oral spontaneous speechЗайдес Кристина Денисовна; Zaides Kristina
2017Emotional-evaluative utterances in translated political discourse: Evidence from English translations of Vladimir Putin's speechesКамнева Лариса Эдуардовна; Kamneva Larisa
2017Problems of English–Russian translation: Transformation of modified termsФаустова Анастасия Павловна; Faustova Anastasiia
2017The speech strategy of avoiding direct answers in political discourseУдовидченко Дарья Николаевна; Udovidchenko Daria
2017Pragmatics of implicit statements in English media dialogue: The study of modern English-speaking celebrities' interviewsТерещенкова Диана Игоревна; Tereshchenkova Diana
2017Markers of renarrative in various types of oral speechСурина Анна Павловна; Surina Anna
2017Stylistic characteristics of translating the European Union deeds of incorporation into Italian, English and RussianДонских Екатерина Владимировна; Donskikh Ekaterina