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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 1097
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Verbs of imagination and supposition: Functional and semantic aspect (against the background of the Italian language)Фосса Габриэль Карло; Fossa Gabriel Karlo
2023Lexical thematic group «дизайн» ("design"): Functional and semantic aspectЧжан Юй; Czan Uj
2023Formulas of speech etiquette in modern Russian: Functional and semantic aspectШи Чжунхуэй; Si Czunhuej
2023English neologisms in the news texts about the COVID-19 pandemicГуань Линь; Guan Lin
2023Literary allusions in English and American puns and memesРакевич Полина; Rakevic Polina
2023Ways of transferring language means of emotional speech impact in audiovisual translation from English into RussianТен Лилия Руслановна; Ten Lilia Ruslanovna
2023Teaching stress-time rhythm of English to Chinese-speaking studentsЯн Вани; An Vani
2023Russian proverbs and sayings about time: Functional-semantic and linguocultural aspectsЛи Сян; Li San
2023Linguistic and cultural features of English ergonyms of the sphere of food service in St PetersburgЮань Сяочуань; Uan Saocuan
2023English and Russian idioms as a means of describing a person in mass mediaУ Юйци; U Ujci
2023Zoonyms in English and Russian idiomsХэ Цяньцзя; He Cancza
2023Linguistic and cultural features of English names of musical groupsСун Аньдун; Sun Andun
2023Semantic potential of the parametric adjective "большой" ("large")Ван Дань; Van Dan
2023The topical cluster for "absurd/absurdity" in beat poetry by Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, and Lawrence FerlinghettiШиробакина Елизавета Алексеевна; Sirobakina Elizaveta Alekseevna
2023Speech development of the topic "conflict" in the media text: the European Union and RussiaЧан Усу; Can Usu
2023Functioning of variant nouns of females in Old Russian texts of the 11th-17th centuriesМинина Полина Александровна; Minina Polina Aleksandrovna
2023Vocabulary-thematic group "музыка" ("music") in modern Russian: Functional and semantic aspect (a case study of the interview genre)Сунь Цзянин; Sun Czanin
2023Expressive syntactic constructions in modern journalismВан Сюэ; Van Sue
2023Role of the verb argument structure in the understanding of its semantics by Russian-native pre-schoolers: An experimental researchЮткина Мария Вячеславовна; Utkina Maria Vaceslavovna
2023On the phonological status of [w] (non-syllabic u) in the Belarusian languageКоваленко Екатерина Максимовна; Kovalenko Ekaterina Maksimovna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 1097