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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 1097
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Veniamin Kaverin’s novel “In front of the Mirror”Шабакова Полина Александровна; Sabakova Polina Aleksandrovna
2023Representation of feelings and emotional states in Anglophone children literatureЯдрова Ксения Николаевна; Adrova Ksenia Nikolaevna
2023Concept of "music" in Russian phraseology in the context of Chinese phraseology: Linguistic and culturological aspectБай Гэ; Baj Ge
2023Stylistic experiments of Yevgeny Zamyatin in the collection of short stories "Fairy Tales for Big Children"Галина Яна Вадимовна; Galina Ana Vadimovna
2023Linguistic and cultural type "современна девушка" ("modern girl") in the Russian and Chinese language consciousnessФу Шухун; Fu Suhun
2023Peculiarities of candy naming in Russian and Chinese cultural traditionsЛинь Хуэйцюань; Lin Huejcuan
2023Lexico-semantic features of the English media environmental discourseФан Босюань; Fan Bosuan
2023Sound repetitions in English and Chinese as a phonostylistic deviceАнь Сыцзи; An Syczi
2023Representation of Chinese cultural values in English literature and journalismЛи Фую; Li Fuu
2023Political terms "демократия" ("democracy") and "тоталитаризм" ("totalitarianism") in the Russian languageВан Цзиньхао; Van Czinhao
2023Derivational nest with the root "smoke" in the reflection of fragments of Russian linguistic picture of the world (against the background of Chinese linguistic picture of the world)Хуан Тэняо; Huan Tenao
2023Equivalence of English and Russian proverbs and sayings about the weatherВан Цзифэн; Van Czifen
2023Tendencies in neologisms formation in modern English: A case study of media textsГао Сянюй; Gao Sanuj
2023Phraseological Units in a Fiction Against the Background of Chinese Translation (Based on A.S. Pushkin's Novel "Eugene Onegin"): Functional and Semantic AspectЯнь Цзялу; An Czalu
2023Linguistic clichés in journalistiс texts: Functional and semantic aspectЦинь Жуйя; Cin Zuja
2023Lexical and semantic group "domestic animals" in Russian poetry of the early 20th century: Semantic-stylistic and linguistic-cultural Aspects (against the background of Chinese poetry)Су Хунхао; Su Hunhao
2023Linguistic and cultural features of colour idioms in English and ChineseЛян Цин; Lan Cin
2023Lexical-semantic group of Russian verbs of causation of a person's emotional stateМа Тяньли; Ma Tanli
2023Sound iconism in English, Russian, and Chinese poetryСунь Юэци; Sun Ueci
2023Lexical and semantic features of comparative phraseological units in English and ChineseВан Кайсинь; Van Kajsin
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 1097