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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Interjections in Serbian and English: The semantic and functional characteristicsКлимакина Милена Викторовна; Klimakina Milena
2017Comparative linguopragmatic characteristics of English and Chinese gastronomic advertising textsЧжан Бовэнь; Zhang Bowen
2016Lexical means of expressing political correctness in EnglishЛю Чжиян; Liu Zhiyang
2018Acronyms in English political discourse and problems of their translation into RussianКозырева Мария Андреевна; Kozyreva Maria
2021Phenomenon of synestemia in Sue Monk Kidd’s novel "The secret life of bees"Ли Юйяо; Li Ujao
2021Semantic analysis of onomatopoeic vocabulary (a case study of the novel by S. M. Kidd "The secret life of bees")Тан Исинь; Tan Isin
2022Formation of pronunciation skills with the use of English onomatopoeia:A case study of teaching English to Chinese studentsКараваева Анна Игоревна; Karavaeva Anna Igorevna
2023Representation of politeness levels when translating from Japanese into English: A case study of dialogic speech in Japanese video gamesАгафонова Анна Александровна; Agafonova Anna Aleksandrovna
2023Linguistic and cultural features of English names of musical groupsСун Аньдун; Sun Andun