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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 41 по 60 из 437
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The study of correlations between lower urinary tract urodynamics and clinico-radiological types of myeloradiculopathy in patients with infectious and inflammatory spinal lesionsКаюмова Диана Айратовна; Kaumova Diana Ajratovna
2023Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis and autoimmune infertility.Варава Ирина Сергеевна; Varava Irina Sergeevna
2023Phenotypes in patients with type 2 Diabetes MellitusКосарева Ева Альбертовна; Kosareva Eva Albertovna
2023A comparative assessment of the medical rehabilitation results in patients with osteoarthritis in a specialized hospitalЛысак Николь; Lysak Nikol
2023Organizational and legal problems of digitalizaion of healthcareЭльмаграби Махмуд Хамди Мохамед Ибрахим; Elmagrabi Mahmud Hamdi Mohamed Ibrahim
2023Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with ischemic heart disease and normal body weightАли Хуссеин Абдулмунем Али; Ali Hussein Abdulmunem Ali
2023Features of myocardial remodeling and metabolic changes in patients with various types of thyroid dysfunctionОлайви Маджид; Olajvi Madzid
2023The role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnostics of pancreatic cystic neoplasmsМоисеева Алёна Александровна; Moiseeva Alena Aleksandrovna
2023Physical qualification of food industry workers with skin diseasesЗаремба Анастасия Алексеевна; Zaremba Anastasia Alekseevna
2023Comparative characteristics of cognitive functions in patients after the transcatheter implantation of the aortic valve (TAVI) and open valve operationsШатохина Дарья Михайловна; Satohina Dara Mihajlovna
reviewSV_2_skan_ozyva_na_Belaevu_T.jpeg.jpg2023Possibilities of digital radiography in the quantitative assessment of bone fracture unionБеляева Тамара Вячеславовна; Belaeva Tamara Vaceslavovna
2023Platelets in COVID-19, comorbid with autoimmune thyroiditisТамбовцев Артём Вячеславович; Tambovcev Artem Vaceslavovic
2023The factors associated with the risk of development and course of obsessive-compulsive disorderОльденборгер Полина Дмитриевна; Oldenborger Polina Dmitrievna
2023Subacute thyroiditis of De Quervain and COVID-19Довгалова Анна; Dovgalova Anna
2022A comparison of laparoscopic versus open anterior abdominal wall hernia surgery resultsНебольсин Владимир Эдуардович; Nebolsin Vladimir Eduardovic
2022Diagnostics and approaches to treatment of borderline personality disorderМаматходжаева Тамила Бахтиеровна; Mamathodzaeva Tamila Bahtierovna
2022An evaluation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with early stage triple negative breast cancerАбдугаффоров Сардор Абдугаффор угли; Abdugafforov Sardor Abdugaffor ugli
2022A gender assessment of leptin level in patients with overweight and metabolic disordersХуссейн Юсиф Халид Хуссейн; Hussejn Usif Halid Hussejn
2022The effect of NK cells cytotoxic activity on the efficacy of the assisted reproductive technology programmes in patients with repeated implantation failuresШукурова Мунисс Риязовна; Sukurova Muniss Riazovna
2022The clinical characteristics of patients suffering from purulent-necrotic soft-tissue infections. The impact of obesity, diabetes mellitus and smokingРостом Лайла Жамиль; Rostom Lajla Zamil
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 41 по 60 из 437