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Результаты 11-20 из 56.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_skan_S.jpeg.jpg2019Causes of late stages of syphilisШарифянова Кристина Александровна; Sarifanova Kristina Aleksandrovna
2019Concept development of innovative medical device “Diaplast” for early non-invasive detection of type 2 diabetesКузнецов Максим Владимирович; Kuznecov Maksim Vladimirovic
2019Features of management skills in dialysis patients with diabetic nephropathyНуриева Лейла Эльхан кызы; Nurieva Lejla Elhan kyzy
2019Dermoscopic findings in different clinical variants of lichen planusЖелонкин Антон Романович; Zelonkin Anton Romanovic
2019Clinical and morphological findings in lupus miliaris disseminatus facieiЖелонкина Ангелина Олеговна; Zelonkina Angelina Olegovna
reviewSV_Goncarova_2.jpg.jpg2019Autoimmune links in pathogenesis of the obesity combined with rose striaeГончарова Екатерина Сергеевна; Goncarova Ekaterina Sergeevna
2019Clinical and laboratory characteristics of tick-borne infections in 2018Андреева Наталья Андреевна; Andreeva Natala Andreevna
reviewSV_Kurcavaa_otzyv.jpg.jpg2019Transbronchial lung biopsy in differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosisКурчавая Екатерина Германовна; Kurcavaa Ekaterina Germanovna
2019Determination of phenotypical characteristics of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in elderly patientsМолокова Евгения Руслановна; Molokova Evgenia Ruslanovna
2019Condition of female reproductive function after surgeries regarding borderline ovarian tumorМихелашвили Лина Иосифовна; Mihelasvili Lina Iosifovna