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Результаты 1-10 из 56.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Tactics of planning delivery in women with a scar on the uterusБакаева Эльвина Хисматуловна; Bakaeva Elvina
2018Atrial fibrillation: features of the clinical course in elderly and senile patients at the outpatient stage of treatmentХазов Роман Алексеевич; Khazov Roman
2018The influence of thrombocytopenia of different degrees on the key parameters of thromboelastography. The experimental research in vitroАрбузова Дина Германовна; Arbuzova Dina
2018The influence of halogen-containig anesthetic administration on the course of toxic hepatitis in patients receiving tuberculostatic therapyИванов Александр Юрьевич; Ivanov Alexander
2018Modified cycles in assisted reproductive technologies in women with polycystic ovary syndromeНиколаева Ирма Глебовна; Nikolaeva Irma
2018Etiological structure, clinical and laboratory characteristics of purulent meningitisТерехова Марина Игоревна; Terekhova Marina
2018Treatment of lipid metabolism disorders in outpatient practiceТуктаров Артур Марсович; Tuktarov Artur
reviewSV_otzyv_Axmetgareeva-2.jpeg.jpg2018The features of the postoperative hypocalcemia treatment in dialyzed patients with chronic kidney disease and secondary hyperparathyroidismАхметгареева Алина Робертовна; Akhmetgareeva Alina
2018Modern therapy of affective disorders in clinical practiceПотайной Николай Андреевич; Potainoi Nikolai
2018Сomparative analysis of fibroblast effectiveness in treatment of deep burnsЗаворотний Олег Олегович; Zavorotnii Oleg