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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Clinical and laboratory features of primary HIV casesВалиев Иван Робертович; Valiev Ivan
2018Variants of tanatogenesis in HIV infectionКошевая Елена Григорьевна; Koshevaya Elena
2018Changes in the magnetic resonance pattern of HIV-associated neurotoxoplasmosis in the background of etiotropic therapyДанилов Всеволод Вячеславович; Danilov Vsevolod
2018Magnetic-resonance imaging in diagnosis of brain lesions among patients with AIDSДроздов Александр Андреевич; Drozdov Aleksandr
2019Clinical and laboratory features of neurosyphilis with HIV co-infectionГафиева Ригина Мазгаровна; Gafieva Rigina Mazgarovna
2020The modern approaches to the etiotropic treatment of meningitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformansШилов Андрей Максимович; Silov Andrej Maksimovic
2020The clinical and radiological features of respiratory and mediastinal diseases in HIV-positive patientsШаповалова Елена Николаевна; Sapovalova Elena Nikolaevna