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2024Landscape in Flemish Graphics of the Second Third of the XVI Century: the Hieronymus Cock Publishing and the Master of Small LandscapesБеляков Сергей Андреевич; Belakov Sergej Andreevic
2024Semantics of the Accordion in the Context of Modern Musical Culture: Repertoire, Ideology, AestheticsВиноградова Екатерина Владимировна; Vinogradova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
2024Color in the Culture and Art of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. Architecture and DesignЗакиряев Егор Евгеньевич; Zakiraev Egor Evgenevic
2024Male Archetypes in Life and Art of Lovis CorinthЯрошенко Владислав Александрович; Arosenko Vladislav Aleksandrovic
2024The Image of Constantinople in Russian Art of the late 18th – mid 19th centuries. From Political Propaganda to Romanticism and Specifics of Russian OrientalismМинаева Мария Дмитриевна; Minaeva Maria Dmitrievna
2024Historical Background, Ideological and Organizational Formation and Development of the Ultra-Orthodox Anti-Zionist Movement “Natorei Karta” in the XX-XXI CenturiesЛагир Алина Сергеевна; Lagir Alina Sergeevna
2024Translating and Interpreting Librettos in Musical TheatreРинк Александра Амадея Александровна; Rink Aleksandra Amadea Aleksandrovna
2024The Phenomenon of an Interactive book at the Intersection of Art and EngineeringЕфанова Екатерина Олеговна; Efanova Ekaterina Olegovna
2024Political, Economic, and Cultural Changes in the RSFSR in 1921-1931 as Reflected in the System of Professional Retraining and Advanced Training of Soviet School TeachersАлешко Галина Александровна; Alesko Galina Aleksandrovna
2024Pricing in Video Game Industry: Strategies and TendenciesКузнецов Алексей Денисович; Kuznecov Aleksej Denisovic