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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016The purchase of a major block of shares in public joint-stock companiesПахнюк Алексей Анатольевич; Pakhniuk Aleksei
2016The acquisition of corporate control in a joint-stock companyТемнова Елена Анатольевна; Temnova Elena
2017Corporate monitoring by third partiesУсманова Яна Артуровна; Usmanova Iana
2018Transactions in securities for the acquisition of control over a company (M&A)Обыденнов Виктор Леонидович; Obydennov Victor
2018Restoration of corporate control as a remedyЛеонтьев Николай Владимирович; Leontev Nikolai
2018Legal issues in the merger and acquisition of public corporations (comparative analysis of legal systems of the Russian Federation and the European Union)Галиева Ольга Сергеевна; Galieva Olga