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Результаты 11-20 из 21.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Social adaptation of the third wave of migrants in the EU: Evidence from GermanyНовикова Ксения Андреевна; Novikova Kseniia
2017The impact of modern migration processes on the popularity of right-wing parties in EuropeКляпов Владислав Владимирович; Kliapov Vladislav
2017State Regulation of Migration Processes in the сontext of Globalization: Cases of Germany, France and SwedenЧернова Мария Васильевна; Chernova Maria
2021The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the migration policy of the European UnionСироткина Ксения Александровна; Sirotkina Ksenia Aleksandrovna
2021Italy in the EU: challenges and opportunitiesАлиев Даудгаджи Гаджиевич; Aliev Daudgadzi Gadzievic
2021The linguistic policy of France as a means of strengthening the role of the French language in international relationsСорока Кристина Валентиновна; Soroka Kristina Valentinovna
2020The impact of EU accession on Poland's economyБондаренко Мария Михайловна; Bondarenko Maria Mihajlovna
2020The sports diplomacy in the European Union in the early 21st centuryВеприцкая Валерия Александровна; Veprickaa Valeria Aleksandrovna
2020The factor of mutual perception in bilateral relations between Israel and the European UnionЖаров Тимур Арсеньевич; Zarov Timur Arsenevic
2019Brexit as a cause of a political system crisis in the United KingdomАртамоненко Ксения Александровна; Artamonenko Ksenia Aleksandrovna