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Результаты 1-10 из 12.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016The problem of European integration in the policy of the leading British political parties (2010 - 2016)Данылив Ульяна Васильевна; Danyliv Uliana
2016The problems of shale gas development regulation in Europe: The cases of Great Britain, France, and SwedenЗыков Денис Сергеевич; Zykov Denis
2016British press coverage of the Russian foreign policy: The 2008 war in South Ossetia, the crises in Libya, Ukraine and SyriaНовиков Иван Александрович; Novikov Ivan
2017Current issues in the formation of British national identityМихайлова Елена Дмитриевна; Mikhailova Elena
2017Russia–United Kingdom relations in the 21st centuryРябенко Марина Витальевна; Riabenko Marina
2017The image of the Russian Federation in the mass media of Spain and Great Britain: A comparative analysisЛедовских Анна Валерьевна; Ledovskikh Anna
2017A comparative analysis of the policies of Margaret Thatcher and Theresa MayДемина Алина Евгеньевна; Demina Alina
2017Political and legal mechanisms of the conflict settlement in Northern Ireland: Problems and prospectsЯушева Анжела Робертовна; Iausheva Anzhela
2017European integration under the governments of D. Cameron and T. May (2010–2017)Борисова Дарина Владиславовна; Borisova Darina
2017Challenges of constitutional reforms under David Cameron’s government (2010–2016)Бурлова Анна Сергеевна; Burlova Anna