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Результаты 601-610 из 1319.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Third-Party Mediation by the United Nations in Armed Conflicts: The Case of the Yemen ConflictАмаракоон Раджапакша Васала Мохотти Мудиянселаге Пуджика Буддини Амаракоон; Amarakoon Radzapaksa Vasala Mohotti Mudianselage Pudzika Buddini Amarakoon
2021The influence of the mass media on international relations during the coronavirus epidemic in 2019-2020Фань Гэнюань; Fan Genuan
2021China's use of new information and communication technologies in combating the coronavirusЛю Ци; Lu Ci
2021Indonesia's military and technical cooperation with other countries: current trends and developmentsАльфияни Ланни Сурья; Alfiani Lanni Sura
2021Public diplomacy and public relations in the context of internationalisation, as illustrated by Russian-Chinese relationsЛи Хаодун; Li Haodun
2021Intricacies of China’s diplomatic activity in the UNВан Цзои; Van Czoi
2021Chinese mass media and public relations: areas of interactionЦю Цзяхао; Cu Czahao
2021Digitalization of the environmental image of Russian and French companies: social media as a tool for building a green imageКаратеева Ксения Сергеевна; Karateeva Ksenia Sergeevna
2019The image of Russia in China in the early 21st centuryЛю Ди; Lu Di
2020Preserving cultural heritage: a tool of the cultural diplomacy of the Russian FederationШатилова Юлия Николаевна; Satilova Ulia Nikolaevna