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Результаты 1251-1260 из 1319.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Role of international literary connections in the cultural cooperation between Russia and the Scandinavian countriesКашкарева Елизавета Петровна; Kaskareva Elizaveta Petrovna
2024Evolution of the security policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Persian Gulf Region, 2013–2023Галстян Карен Арменович; Galstan Karen Armenovic
2024Social media in the system of tools of modern image policy in ChinaДяо Шицзе; Dao Sicze
2024Comparative analysis of the Afghan policy of Russia and Afghanistan’s neighboring countriesСысоева Анастасия Владимировна; Sysoeva Anastasia Vladimirovna
2024Digital projects in China's foreign policyЯнина Анастасия Павловна; Anina Anastasia Pavlovna
2024Environmental strategies of Canada, Australia and the USA in the framework of the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development GoalsПанченко Алина; Pancenko Alina
2024Security problems between South Korea and China after World War IIКун Линцзе; Kun Lincze
2024Transformation of Japan's "soft power" concept under the influence of digitalizationХлыстун Виталия Дмитриевна; Hlystun Vitalia Dmitrievna
2024Vietnam's security cooperation with the Indo-Pacific states in the context of the South China Sea conflictЗайцев Владислав Олегович; Zajcev Vladislav Olegovic
2024Foreign educational policy of Georgia in 1992-2022Окуджава Анна Элгуджаевна; Okudzava Anna Elgudzaevna