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Результаты 1-10 из 18.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Information space of radical communities: A case study of St. PetersburgНагаев Александр Фаридович; Nagaev Aleksandr
2018Comparative analysis of influence of the Internet on young people's lifestyle in Russia and FinlandВласов Артём Сергеевич; Vlasov Artem
2019Administrative reforms in Argentina and Russia: A comparative analysisМорайта Исабель Антониета; Morajta Isabel Antonieta
2021Socio-demographic trends in the development of the labor market in Russia and ChinaЧжан Цян; Czan Can
2021The socio-demographic structure of the population and its influence on economic growth sustainability in Russia and ChinaЧэнь Чуньсяо; Cen Cunsao
2021The role of the SCO in the socio-economic development of Russia and ChinaХань Юйди; Han Ujdi
2021Rural-urban migration in Russia and ChinaЛи Цинжун; Li Cinzun
2021Interaction between universities and employers in youth labor markets in Russia and ChinaТань Мэн; Tan Men
2021Social responsibility of the state towards the elderly in Russia and ChinaЖэнь Мэн; Zen Men
2021Social stratification of consumers of e-commerce services in Russia and ChinaЯн Сэнь; An Sen