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Результаты 21-30 из 93.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Russian-Turkish wars of the 19th century in the historical songs of the Russian peopleГришина Арина Игоревна; Grishina Arina
2016The Karaev's Heritage and Tours to the Warface Areas of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War in St Petersburg SurroundingsПолякова Валентина Николаевна; Poliakova Valentina
2016The perception of the 1917 events by Petrograd intelligentsia: Evidence from diaries and memoirsМунжукова Светлана Игоревна; Munzhukova Svetlana
2016K.G. Muratova and S.I. Paradjanov as representatives of "auteur" cinema in the USSR of the 1960s - 1980sКалинина Алина Романовна; Kalinina Alina
2016Petrograd/ Leningrad University in 1917 - 1929Петров Владимир Владимирович; Petrov Vladimir
2016Family culture and family law in the legislation of Constantine the GreatМалкова Лидия Сергеевна; Malkova Lidiia
2016The discourse of the geography and history of Old Rus' in the Russian chronographs of the 16th - 17th centuries and in the Eastern European historical narrative: A comparative analysisПрохоренков Игорь Александрович; Prakharenkau Ihar
2016The Radziwills in the anti-Moscovian narrative of the second half of the 16th centuryЛисиченок Елена Александровна; Lisichenok Elena
2016The Oriental aspect of Soviet cultural identity formation from 1918 to the 1930s: A case study of mass visual sourcesМушта Артём Анатольевич; Mushta Artem
2016Anatomical collections in Russian museumsМалькова Марина Николаевна; Malkova Marina