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Результаты 1-10 из 44.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020Institutional mechanisms for enhancing the transparency of economic relations in the digital economyГуржий Кирилл Евгеньевич; Gurzij Kirill Evgenevic
2020Strategic development of the agro-industrial complex of RussiaШульгина Альбина Ринатовна; Sulgina Albina Rinatovna
2020Improvement of a company communication processes in the transition to the digital economyВоронов Михаил Вячеславович; Voronov Mihail Vaceslavovic
2020Investment appraisal of reporting system for small business companiesГарнов Максим Георгиевич; Garnov Maksim Georgievic
2020Industrial policy: Opportunities for Implementation of Industrial development prioritiesКипунов Дмитрий Максимович; Kipunov Dmitrij Maksimovic
2020Impact of corporate culture on the image of an enterpriseКвон Хонглок; Kvon Honglok
2020Digital platform as a tool for interaction of actors in the digital economyПетруненков Никита Максимович; Petrunenkov Nikita Maksimovic
2020Problems of sustainable development on the example of Russian oil companiesКотыгина Елена Евгеньевна; Kotygina Elena Evgenevna
2020Development of a strategic marketing system in a companyБузулеева Мария Дмитриевна; Buzuleeva Maria Dmitrievna
2020The role of fintechs in the development of the financial systemsЕвлоева Лейла Башировна; Evloeva Lejla Basirovna