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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_3986_001.jpg.jpg2017Development of the forward market in ChinaХэ Пэйжуо; He Peiruo
2017Analysing the exchange value dynamics of the IMF currency "basket" following the inclusion of the yuanКононова Милана Олеговна; Kononova Milana
2016Foreign trade cooperation between the Republic of Korea and countries of Northeast AsiaКозюкова Ольга Александровна; Kozyukova Olga
2017The development of financial markets in ChinaСунь Жоюй; Sun Ruoyu
2018Shadow economic entrepreneurship in Russia and China: reasons for emergence and methods of counteractionШэн Вэньцзе; Sheng Wenjie
2017Strategies of foreign retailers on the Chinese market after WTO accessionКисель Татьяна Ивановна; Kisel Tatiana
2020US-China trade war and its consequences for both countries and the global economyЗуев Антон Анатольевич; Zuev Anton Anatolevic
2020China-United States trade war: global value chainsСюй Хуэй; Suj Huej
2022India and China in international trade in servicesСюй Шухань; Suj Suhan
2022Accounting in Russia and China: modernity and development prospectsЛюй Хунин; Luj Hunin