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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 41 по 60 из 223
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021A study of the prevalence of errors and complications of endodontic treatment based on the analysis of medical documentationВинцаревич Елизавета Леонидовна; Vincarevic Elizaveta Leonidovna
2021Digital imaging of orthodontic treatment. Reality and prospectsЛяпищева Серафима Александровна; Lapiseva Serafima Aleksandrovna
2021A research of the condition of periodontal tissues in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusИхтиар Мариам Сафуановна; Ihtiar Mariam Safuanovna
2021The surgical treatment of dental anomalies “Surgery of a smile”Алексеева Полина Акимовна; Alekseeva Polina Akimovna
2021The role of professional stress - syndrome in the work of a dentistФрадкина Юлия Дмитриевна; Fradkina Ulia Dmitrievna
2021Comparative characteristics of materials used for the manufacture of metal-free denturesАрончик Анна Глебовна; Aroncik Anna Glebovna
2021The influence of preparatory measures before prosthetics on the effectiveness of orthopedic rehabilitation in dental patientsЛукичева Дарья Сергеевна; Lukiceva Dara Sergeevna
2021Сomparative characteristics of orthodontic archwiresАлексеева Алиса Максимовна; Alekseeva Alisa Maksimovna
2021An assessment of the state of periodontal tissues in patients of different age groupsШахмалыева Диана Габиловна; Sahmalyeva Diana Gabilovna
2021Plastics of soft tissues of the oral cavity. The usage of full thickness and split palate flapsПлатицын Максим Андреевич; Platicyn Maksim Andreevic
2021The experimental substantiation of the use of various adhesive protocols for dental fillingsКунашко Арина Витальевна; Kunasko Arina Vitalevna
2021Oral plastic surgeryВеселовский Александр Дмитриевич; Veselovskij Aleksandr Dmitrievic
2021A comparison of the sealing properties of dental sealers under oral cavity conditionsКозаев Юрий Владимирович; Kozaev Urij Vladimirovic
2021The long- term results of orthodontic treatment. An analysis of errors and complicationsРайкова Анастасия Павловна; Rajkova Anastasia Pavlovna
2021A comparative analysis of root canal filling methodsДементьева Анна Юрьевна; Dementeva Anna Urevna
2021The reasons for the need to implement measures aimed at preventing visual impairment of dentists in the process of their workДолгополова Диана Александровна; Dolgopolova Diana Aleksandrovna
2021The influence of the denture type and duration of its use on the patient's quality of lifeШманин Дэниэл Андреевич; Smanin Deniel Andreevic
2021The clinical and microbiological evaluation of the “Vector” system effectiveness in the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitisФеоктистов Петр Викторович; Feoktistov Petr Viktorovic
2021The features of orthodontic treatment with lingual bracesПеретти Александра Михайловна; Peretti Aleksandra Mihajlovna
2021The legal literacy of dentistsИльина Антонина Сергеевна; Ilina Antonina Sergeevna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 41 по 60 из 223