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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Recenziya_Sarana_AA.png.jpg2017Comparative analysis of mistakes and complications caused by various types of dental prosthesesСарана Андрей Андреевич; Sarana Andrei
2018The use of teleroentgenography in the lateral projection when planning orthopedic treatmentЧерных Мария Сергеевна; Chernykh Maria
reviewSV_DraloAV.jpeg.jpg2019Periodontal status of patients with dental prostheticsДрало Андрей Владимирович; Dralo Andrej Vladimirovic
2019Evaluation of aesthetic parameters in smile creationПахмутова Дарина Андреевна; Pahmutova Darina Andreevna
2020Aseptic issues in an orthopedic department. The modern aspect of disinfection and sterilisationСилкина Алёна Сергеевна; Silkina Alena Sergeevna
2020The assessment of face – bow efficacy in prosthodonticsСилакова Анастасия Сергеевна; Silakova Anastasia Sergeevna
reviewSV_Otzyv_na_A.D._Solopova.jpg.jpg2022Comparative assessment of bacterial colonization of acrylic polymers and alloys used in orthopedic dentistryСолопов Александр Дмитриевич; Solopov Aleksandr Dmitrievic
2023Morphofunctional parameters of the face that affect its aesthetic perceptionФараджзадех Мирармин; Faradzzadeh Mirarmin