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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Fifteen years of the "going out" economic strategy: Results and perspectivesХамитов Максим Маратович; Khamitov Maksim
2017The Isbank of Turkey: A history of its foundationЮсупов Ислом Илхом угли; Yusupov Islom
2017The impact of the Arab Spring on the tourism sector in the Syrian Arab RepublicМуллабаев Роман Юрьевич; Mullabaev Roman
2018Economic strategy of Iran in South Caucasus (Armenia and Georgia)Малышев Валерий Алексеевич; Malyshev Valerii
2018Transformation of the Japanese Official Development Assistance to some Southeast Asian nations (second half of the 20th - early 21st century.)Лысенко Варвара Юрьевна; Lysenko Varvara
2017Press coverage of socio-economic and political issues in Azerbaijan: Last quarter of the 19th – early 20th centuriesГасанов Эльдар Вагифович; Gasanov Eldar
2021Political, cultural and economic relations between the Republic of India and the Republic of MauritiusМатвеева Софья Сергеевна; Matveeva Sofa Sergeevna
2022Siam-China relations from 1782 to 1911: A historical analysisЦыремпилова Наталья Олеговна; Cyrempilova Natala Olegovna
2022Russia-Turkey relations in economy, culture and education at the turn of the 21st century: 1991 - 2015Молчанов Иван Андреевич; Molcanov Ivan Andreevic
2022Complementarism as the main principle of foreign policy in independent Armenia: 1991 - 2018Бабаева Лала Айдыновна; Babaeva Lala Ajdynovna