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Результаты 1-10 из 124.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018The qasida genre in the legacy of the 12th century Persian poet 'Uthmа̄n-i Mukhtа̄rīСтруев Даниил Андреевич; Struev Daniil
2018The divan of the 12th century Persian Sufi poet Ahmad-e JamГромацкий Александр Денисович; Gromatskii Aleksandr
2018Fantastic elemet as a chance to escape from the reality in E. Keret's worksМачулина Дария Павловна; Machulina Dariia
2018Literature in Iran's cyberspace: Prose by Mehdi RezayiСуханова Александра Игоревна; Sukhanova Aleksandra
2018The influence of the domestic political situation in Japan on the direction of its foreign policy (1920— 1941)Серебрякова Светлана Георгиевна; Serebryakova Svetlana
2018The design of Arabic explanatory dictionaries in the manuscript collection of the Asian and African department of the Gorky Scientific LibraryХамидова Нигора Содикджоновна; Khamidova Nigora
2018Japan's Official Development Assistance to the Middle East as a factor in the development of foreign economic relationsФазылова Алия Фаритовна; Fazylova Aliya
2018The immigration problem in literature of the Persian Gulf countriesКухилава Анна Гиглаевна; Kukhilava Anna
2018The artistic features of the short stories of Ahmed Hamdi Tanpinar’s short story collection "Abdüllah Efendi'nin Rüyaları" ("The dreams of Abdullah Efendi") as works of modernismКапустина Юлия Константиновна; Kapustina Iuliia
2018Georgian communities in Iran: history and modernityРыжкина Ангелина Олеговна; Ryzhkina Angelina