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Результаты 1-10 из 15.
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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Using the principles of micrographics in the development of the visual image of the Petrography Museum at St Petersburg State UniversityБу И; Bu Yi
2018Project design for a complex of printed editions and spatial objects of the game environment based on a story-book "Tales of Night Light, Wind and Rain"Ли Марина Николаевна; Li Marina
2019Website concept development for the master's programme "Graphic Design", St Petersburg UniversityАндрющенко Ольга Эдуардовна; Andrusenko Olga Eduardovna
reviewSV_zyrianova_review_son.jpg.jpg2019Principles of designing a multimedia complex devoted to environmental issues: A case study of the project on the protection of rare species of PPB bearsСун Сяомэн; Sun Saomen
reviewSV_zyrianova_review_chjan.jpg.jpg2019Research into the features of the national component in a socially-oriented design: A case study of Russia and China. Development of graphics support for the Russian-Chinese reserve "Lake Khanka (Xīngkǎi Hú)"Чжан Синьтун; Czan Sintun
2019Principles of designing a complex of multimedia and print publications in the field of graphic designГеоргиева Таня Георгиева; Georgieva Tana Georgieva
2019Principles of designing a complex of multimedia and print publications in the field of graphic designОсадченко Ольга; Osadcenko Olga
2019Graphics support for an online non-degree programme "Preparatory courses of Graphic Design" programme of St Petersburg UniversityБогдашова Дарья Максимовна; Bogdasova Dara Maksimovna
2021Graphics support for the international student TV and radio channel "Most", St Petersburg UniversityМакарова Марина; Makarova Marina
2021Designing a visual system for organising an eco-oriented living spaceРумянцева Валерия Алексеевна; Rumanceva Valeria Alekseevna