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2017Grotesques in St Petersburg interiors of the 19th century. Restoration of the Papal Gallery painting in St Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and DesignФилипенко Елена Сергеевна; Filipenko Elena
2018An integrated approach to developing a new quality of the coastal areas in the town of LomonosovРоманенко Ирина Романовна; Romanenko Irina
2018Development of public spaces in the structure of an innovative research cluster: A case study of the territory transformation of the grey belt of St PetersburgФомина Маргарита Владимировна; Fomina Margarita
2022A concept of tourist and recreational areas development along Lakhtinsky Prospect in the Primorsky District of St.PetersburgЧжан Вэйчжэнь; Czan Vejczen
reviewSV_Otzyv_Nikolaeva_2022.jpg.jpg2022Temporary exhibition and educational spaces in the urban environmentНиколаева Дарья Олеговна; Nikolaeva Dara Olegovna