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Результаты 1-10 из 2725.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Personal characteristics of young people choosing entrepreneurshipАлмаева Анастасия Александровна; Almaeva Anastasiia
2018Accession agreements from the point of view of acceptable limitations on contractual freedomХарченко Виктория Константиновна; Kharchenko Viktoriia
2018Legal regulation of the revenue taxation of banking institutionsАфанасьева Ксения Александровна; Afanaseva Kseniia
2018Interrelation of attitude to new technologies and socio-psychological attributes of personalityСычев Александр Сергеевич; Sychev Aleksandr
2018Linguistic means of expressing Time Category in Russian (in comparison with Chinese): functional semantic aspectЦюй Жуй; Qu Rui
2018Presumption of proper professional qualification and its impact on the determination of the form of guilt of an individualДемченко Анастасия Дмитриевна; Demchenko Anastasiya
2018Lexical and semantic field of emotiveness in comparative and translation aspect: A case study of contemporary English proseЛазукова Юлия Юрьевна; Lazukova Iuliia
2018Reformation of the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement and its implementation in national legislation (the case of Italy)Богданова Мария Сергеевна; Bogdanova Mariia
2018Popularization of the Chinese brand in the Russian media space: A case study of The HuaweiЖэнь Цзе; Ren Jie
2018Decorative ceramic compositionАкулова Ксения Олеговна; Akulova Kseniia