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Результаты 1-10 из 12.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019The development of the internet resource "Arctic aquatic ecosystem adaptation to climate change and anthropogenic impact"Табидзе Ксения Ираклиевна; Tabidze Ksenia Iraklievna
2020The compilation of vegetation maps using remote sensing dataШаркова Анастасия Валерьевна; Sarkova Anastasia Valerevna
2020A comparative analysis of urban growth using remote sensing data: a case study of the city of TyumenВоробьев Никита Игоревич; Vorobev Nikita Igorevic
2019Selection of a sustainable assortment of conifers for the green spaces of St Petersburg based on ecogeographical analysis and modelingСадикова Дарина Сергеевна; Sadikova Darina Sergeevna
2019Study of geomorphological conditions of placer formations in Ulachan-Siligilya river basin (Aldan Highlands) in GIS environmentГордиенко Анастасия Олеговна; Gordienko Anastasia Olegovna
2019Model of snow cover surface spreading depending on its topography and incoming solar radiationГаниева Камила Рустамовна; Ganieva Kamila Rustamovna
reviewSV_otzyv2.jpg.jpg2019Development of application of the tryout project version for building of walking routes with user parametersЯдрихинская Юлия Сергеевна; Adrihinskaa Ulia Sergeevna
2021Creating the geographic information system Roads of the North Caucasus Federal districtХарькина Ирина Александровна; Harkina Irina Aleksandrovna
2021Data management and mapping using geographic information systems to support ethnographic researchРакова Арина Ивановна; Rakova Arina Ivanovna
2022Creating the geographic information system of Historical and cultural monuments of the North-Western Federal DistrictБеркутова Анна Дмитриевна; Berkutova Anna Dmitrievna