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Результаты 1-10 из 21.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020Museum preserves as tourism development bodies in the Russian Federation entitiesГлушкова Анастасия Сергеевна; Gluskova Anastasia Sergeevna
2020The Russian North cultural landscapes: the issues of conservation and sustainable exploitation in tourism and recreationКириллова Диана Сергеевна; Kirillova Diana Sergeevna
2020Rural tourism development in MoldovaНагорная Мария; Nagornaa Maria
2020The prospects for concierge-service market development in St PetersburgКомаров Александр Андреевич; Komarov Aleksandr Andreevic
2020Approaches to preserve and involve the cultural heritage in a touristic area: a case study of the forts in KronstadtЦыганкова Виктория Олеговна; Cygankova Viktoria Olegovna
2019The potential for gastronomic tourism development in the Republic of TatarstanМаксимова Евгения Викторовна; Maksimova Evgenia Viktorovna
2019Development of ethnic tourism in Republic of TatarstanКомарова Лада Андреевна; Komarova Lada Andreevna
2019The Great Tea Road as a historical and cultural destination for tourism product developmentДильдина Валерия Павловна; Dildina Valeria Pavlovna
reviewSV_recenzia_11.jpg.jpg2019Tourism transformation in Russia for attracting Chinese touristsХоу Цзин; Hou Czin
2019Current directions of pilgrimage tourism development in UzbekistanМуминов Жавохир Комилжонович; Muminov Zavohir Komilzonovic