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dc.contributor.advisorХохлов Алексей Рэдовичru_RU
dc.contributor.authorВан Луru_RU
dc.contributor.authorWang Luen_GB
dc.contributor.editorЦветкова Наталья Александровнаru_RU
dc.contributor.editorTsvetkova Natalia Аleksаndrovnаen_GB
dc.description.abstractWith the highly develop of China’s economy, the development of China’s soft power and hard power are getting unbalance. With the trend of globalization, soft power becomes more important than hard power in international communication. The project of Confucius Institutes was designed to promote China’s soft power and broadcast Chinese language and culture. Economic achievements and development make somebody concerns about the hegemony of China in the future. Together with this concern, there are some worries about Confucius Institutes such as cultural invasion, method of Communist ideology. The reflection of the public of the host countries to Confucius Institutes could be the reflections of them to China. Thus, analyzing the place and position of Confucius Institutes in china's foreign policy could help Confucius Institutes go further and eliminating some misunderstandings about China and Confucius Institutes in host countries.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractWith the highly develop of China’s economy, the development of China’s soft power and hard power are getting unbalance. With the trend of globalization, soft power becomes more important than hard power in international communication. The project of Confucius Institutes was designed to promote China’s soft power and broadcast Chinese language and culture. Economic achievements and development make somebody concerns about the hegemony of China in the future. Together with this concern, there are some worries about Confucius Institutes such as cultural invasion, method of Communist ideology. The reflection of the public of the host countries to Confucius Institutes could be the reflections of them to China. Thus, analyzing the place and position of Confucius Institutes in china's foreign policy could help Confucius Institutes go further and eliminating some misunderstandings about China and Confucius Institutes in host countries.en_GB
dc.subjectConfucius Institutesru_RU
dc.subjectChina's foreign policyru_RU
dc.subjectcultural and language diplomacyru_RU
dc.subjectactivities of Confucius Institutesru_RU
dc.subjectConfucius Institutesen_GB
dc.subjectChina's foreign policyen_GB
dc.subjectcultural and language diplomacyen_GB
dc.subjectactivities of Confucius Institutesen_GB
dc.titleConfucius institutes in Chinese foreign policyen_GB
dc.title.alternativeИнституты Конфуция в китайской внешней политикеru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:MASTER'S STUDIES

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