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dc.contributor.authorKrylatov, Alexander Yu.-
dc.contributor.authorZakharov, Victor V.-
dc.identifier.citationKrylatov, A. Y., & Zakharov, V. V. E. (2017). Game-theoretic approach for modeling of selfish and group routing. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 10(0), 162-174.en_GB
dc.descriptionFrom Contributions to game theory and management, vol. X. Collected papers presented on the Tenth International Conference Game Theory and Management / Editors Leon A. Petrosyan, Nikolay A. Zenkevich. – SPb.: Saint Petersburg State University, 2017. – 404 p.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe development of methodological tools for modeling of traffic flow assignment is crucial issue since traffic conditions influence significantly on quality of life nowadays. Herewith no secret that the development of invehicle route guidance and information systems could impact significantly on route choice as soon as it is highly believed that they are able to reduce congestion in an urban traffic area. Networks’ users join groups of drivers who rely on the same route guidance system. Therefore, present paper is devoted to discussing approaches for modeling selfish and group routing. Network performance is deeply associated with competition between users of networks. So, the emphasis in our discussion is placed on game-theoretic approaches for appropriate modeling.en_GB
dc.publisherSaint Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.subjecttraffic assignment problemen_GB
dc.subjectselfish routingen_GB
dc.subjectuser equilibrium of Wardropen_GB
dc.subjectgroup routingen_GB
dc.subjectNash equilibriumen_GB
dc.subjectsystem optimum of Wardropen_GB
dc.titleGame-theoretic approach for modeling of selfish and group routingen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Conference Papers & Presentations

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