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Результаты 9818 по 9837 из 42576 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Functional semantics of emotive vocabulary in fiction: Evidence from Masha Traub's "What Newborns Are Talking About"Ван Тун; Wang Tong
2016The functional semantics of inorganic nature sounds in RussianЧжан Я; Zhang Ya
2017Functional semantics of Internet poetical forms as illustrated by the Russian 'cookies' genreЧеренцова Вера Дмитриевна; Cherentsova Vera
2017Functional semantics of ironic utterances in English translations of Anton Chekhov's playsГорлина Екатерина Владимировна; Gorlina Ekaterina
2017The functional semantics of prepositional case structures containing verbal nouns with the meaning of action in modern spoken RussianЗагороднюк Антонина Алексеевна; Zagorodniuk Antonina
2022Functional semantics of prescriptive utterances in translation: A case study of modern video gamesКурюкина Елена Станиславовна; Kurukina Elena Stanislavovna
2022Functional semantics of rhetorical questions in American public political speechesЕфрименко Екатерина; Efrimenko Ekaterina
2016The functional semantics of Russian adjectives characterising a person judging by his/her speechМа Цзяи; Ma Jiayi
2017Functional semantics of Russian prefixed verbs (prefixes в-(во), за-, по-)Чжан Шуньюй; Zhang Shunyu
2016The functional semantics of Russian proverbs about music (against the background of the Chinese language)Гао Жуй; Gao Rui
2017The functional semantics of special vocabulary in fiction as illustrated by Oleg Kuvaev's novel "The Territory"Син Лупин; Xing Luping
2017Functional semantics of the antonymo-synonymic unit "худой – толстый" ("thin – fat") in Modern RussianБен Мхамед Низар; BEN M'HAMED NIZAR
2022Functional semantics of the lexico-semantic field «личное пространство» (privacy) in Russian and EnglishВан Фань; Van Fan
2016Functional semantics of the lexico-semantic group "Ecology" as illustrated by modern Russian pressЦи Цзюян; Qi Jiuyang
reviewSV_Lin_Menyuan_rec2.jpg.jpg2017Functional semantics of the lexico-semantic group of linguistic manipulation verbs in business communicationЛин Мэнюань; Ling Mengyuan
2016The functional semantics of the lexico-semantic group of Russian emotional-evaluative verbsЛян Сяочао; Liang Xiaochao
2016The functional semantics of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of natural objects' stateЧжан Шутин; Zhang Shuting
2016Functional semantics of the lexico-thematic group "Football" in Modern RussianХэ Иньсяо; He Yinxiao
reviewSV_Go_Sivej_mag_rec.jpg.jpg2017Functional semantics of the lexico-thematic group "насмешка" ("mockery")Го Сивэй; Guo Xiwei
2017Functional semantics of the lexico-thematic group "чудный/чудной" in RussianЧэнь Цзинцзин; Chen Jingjing